The presentation was made by the General Director of Land Management and Urban Planning of the Junta de Andalucía and the Head of Service, Guadalupe de la Hera. The event was attended by some members of the At Clave consulting team and it was announced that this company is also conducting the POT consulting in the Sierra de Cádiz.

At Clave is collecting information through interviews with relevant social actors and information gathering.

The meeting aims to integrate the work of the different teams and advance the definition of European reference sites for a certification of mineral exploration technologies that cover technical, social and environmental aspects.

This work is the First Phase of the Plan and is being carried out with the collaboration of Cactus.

The At Clave team can combine the collaboration with Arenal Gc in the POT Serranía de Ronda with the work in the adjoining mountain area to propose the best coordination scenario between the two territories.
On July 1 and 2 At Clave participated in the Operation Team meeting of the H2020 INFACT project that took place at the headquarters of the IDEA Agency on the Isla de la Cartuja in Seville with the main objective of preparing the intermediate evaluation session of the project before the Commission that was held satisfactorily on day 3 at the same venue.

Several of the European partners participated in this meeting, which transmitted to the assistants various aspects of the project and showed different technical means used in the exploration campaign. As a final point to the day, the arrival and landing of the helicopter was witnessed with the non-invasive VTEM exploration system, making a stop in its work day to explain the operation of the airborne technique used.

They have successfully completed the work of preparing the 2050 Vision of Panama, promoted by APEDE with the support of SENACYT and CAF, Development Bank of Latin America, with a wide participation of experts in various fields. The documents will be presented to the presidential candidates for their knowledge and assessment.
The first analyzes corresponding to the elaboration of the Master Plan for Use and Management (PRIG) and the Sustainable Development Plan (PDS) are delivered to the Government of Cantabria.