The UTE formed with the company Activities, Studies and Projects in the Environment sl will approach in the coming weeks the participatory process for the elaboration of the PRUG and the PDS.
The process, developed in a participatory manner in seven provinces and three counties, has culminated in the preparation of six long-term strategies (2050). Juan Requejo accompanied Felipe Ariel Rodríguez of the CECOMRO in the presentation of results in APEDE and SENACYT.

The day was attended by 15 experts from different perspectives and backgrounds: from the field of research, local and regional public administrations, the mining sector, unions, universities and NGOs discussed throughout the day on the components of a new mining that contributes to territorial development. In the different interventions, the experience of mining regions in the Scandinavian countries, in Latin America or in the Iberian Pyrite Belt was contributed and finally a consensus text was reached by all the participants.
Last November 26th At Clave held in Seville the Expert Seminar "Mining in society I" in the framework of the H2020 INFACT project. The conference was attended by 15 experts from different visions and backgrounds: from the field of research, local and regional public administrations, mining unions and industry, universities and NGOs debated throughout the day on the components of a new mining that contributes to territorial development. In the different interventions, the experience of mining regions in the Scandinavian countries, in Latin America or in the Iberian Pyrite Belt was contributed. A document agreed by all the participants was finally approved.

The most representative entities of Panamanian civil society, APEDE, Chamber of Commerce, CONEP and Pamcham, are participating, along with other social actors, as experts in different fields, scientists and university students, as well as those responsible for Public Administration, in the celebration of six forums and ten workshops on the most relevant matters in the long-term strategic positioning.
At Clave has delivered the document that contains the Plan following the methodology indicated by IHOBE, Public Society of Environmental Management of the Basque Government, carried out in these months by order of the City Council of Otxandio.
The Tourism Investor Capture Plan and the Tourist Housing Catalog will be prepared by At Clave within the framework of the Edusi de Adra, with the aim of boosting the growth of the tourism sector and generating greater employment opportunities for the inhabitants of the municipality through attracting potential tourism investors.

Within the framework of the Edusi de Adra, the municipality is launching an Entrepreneurship Recruitment Plan that promotes the entrepreneurial culture, self-employment and investment in the urban center of Adra, a project that will be developed by At Clave.
Since July 19 workshops have been held in Coclé, Azuero Region, Veraguas, Bocas del Toro, Ngäbe-Buglé, Chiriquí and Colón, with great attendance of participants and excellent results.
The reports on meetings tourism, sports tourism have been completed, which have been added to those of Camino de Santiago and Cultural and Oenological, already completed.
During the meeting the propspection techniques that are going to be tested in the 2018 campaign were presented
The participation is being very satisfactory. The campaign to collect data will continue in summer.
At the elaboration of this Strategy, At Clave has participated making quantitative and qualitative analysis with field work in 100 zones.
Ampliación de la noticia en Europa Press
On May 8, the Auditorium of Galicia hosted the Strategic Conference of the Management Plan of the Historic City of Santiago, an event that brought together more than 70 relevant agents of the city in order to work on the construction of the desired city model.
This event is part of the participatory process that will lead to the elaboration of the Management Plan that At.Clave is preparing. The meeting began with the presentation of the Plan by the mayor of the city, Martiño Noriega, councilor Jorge Duarte and the co-director of the Plan, Juan Requejo.
The day continued with the simultaneous celebration of several work sessions that were developed throughout the morning, each focused on a specific area.

After the work sessions, the participants enjoyed a lunch preceded by the presentation of projects and the conclusions obtained in the morning workshops, ending the day with the closing of the event.
Interview with Juan Requejo, co-director of the management plan for the historic center of Santiago de Compostela, in the newspaper La Voz de Galicia.
The workshops, which aim to produce seven Vision 2050 documents, have been held in the Panamanian provinces of Colón, Coclé, Veraguas, Chiriquí, Bocas del Toro, Azuero Region and Ngäbe-Buglé Comarca.
Link to the Navarre Tourism Strategic Plan 2018-25

Access to the web platform of the H2020 INFACT Project
The UTE composed by At Clave and Activities studies and projects in the environment s.l. has won the tender to carry out the Master Plan for use and management and the Development Plan sustainable of the Oyambre Natural Park.

This Plan will analyze the initial situation of the Otxandio reality (diagnosis) as well as the international context, setting the focus on Otxandio's particularity, identifying threats and establishing actions and programs to mitigate the effects of climate change, observing the possible future evolution in the municipality and defining goals and objectives to be reached for a desirable evolution in which a future scenario capable of dealing with climate change is achieved. At Clave will be responsible for the technical assistance of this plan, both technical and participation.