II Sustainable Development Plan of Doñana (Coordination and Writing). Environment Department.

Sustainable Mobility Plan of the Municipality of Utrera. Provincial Energy Agency. Prodetur Provincial Council of Seville.

Alternative Energies: A future for the Rural World. Joint Cooperation Action 8 Rural Development Groups. GDR Guadjoz-Campiña East of Córdoba.

Conil de la Frontera Strategic Plan 2012. Rosam. City Hall of Conil de la Frontera.

Comprehensive Development Plan in Sierra de Aracena, Sierra Norte de Sevilla and Sierra de Hornachuelos Natural Parks. Environment Agency. Junta de Andalucía.

Strategic Environmental Assessment of PASENER (Energy Sustainability Plan of Andalusia) 2007-13. Andalusian Energy Agency.

Strategic Environmental Assessment of the General Sustainable Tourism Plan 2008-2011. Ministry of Tourism, Commerce and Sports.

Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Andalusian Industrial Development Plan. Agency of Innovation and Development of Andalusia.

Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Land Management Plan of the Northwest Coast of Cádiz. Ministry of Public Works and Transportation.

Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Western Coastal POT of Huelva. Ministry of Public Works and Transportation.

Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Territorial Plan of Las Hurdes. Junta de Extremadura.

Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Territorial Plan of Campo de Arañuelo. Junta de Extremadura.

Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Plan for the Planning of the Territory of the Field of Gibraltar. Ministry of Public Works and Transportation.

Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Land Management Plan for the Southern Territory of Córdoba. Ministry of Public Works and Transportation.

Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Regional Productive Soil Program of Andalusia (PROSPA). Agency of Innovation and Development of Andalusia.

Environmental Evaluation of the Special Plan of the Vega de Granada Park. Department of Public Works and Housing.

Supramunicipal Plan for the Management of Wind Resources Infrastructures in the Region of La Janda. Provincial Council of Cádiz.

Projet d’etude de faisabilité d’amenagement of the station touristique balneaire d’el Haouzia (El Jadida). Design of sustainability bases and urban infrastructure systems. Ministry of Economy and Finance, of the Privatization et Tourisme in collaboration with the World Bank. Collaboration for Tourisme & Leisure Advisors.

Projet d’etude de faisabilité d’amenagement of the station touristique balneaire de Diabet (Essaouira). Design of sustainability bases and urban infrastructure systems. Ministry of Economy and Finance, of the Privatization et Tourisme in collaboration with the World Bank. Collaboration for Tourisme & Leisure Advisors.

Reuse of purified wastewater in the Guadalete-Barbate basins (Cádiz). Hydrogeological Units Sanlúcar, Rota, Chipiona, El Puerto de Santa María, Puerto Real - Conil. Guadalquivir Hydrographic Confederation. In collaboration with INGE